Beginner's Paper Thumb Cast Recipie
  • Before we get into the recipie, when this recipie refers to combining two things, this refers to putting two items together to make a new one. This is acomplished by putting the items in your hands, then pressing T. this is the combine key, and will make them into a new item.
  • First you need to make a spit. To do this combine knife with four pieces of wood. Each time you do this it will make 1 carved wood. you need 4 carved wood.
  • Now repeat the last step only combine your knife with the newly created carved wood to make 4 shafts.
  • Combine shaft with shaft tto make a long shaft. do this two times using up all your normal shafts. You will now have two long shafts.
  • Combine the two long shafts with one another to create 1 Spit.
  • Now combine a piece of paper with your newly created spit to make a spit wrapped with paper.
  • Now combine a string with your spit wrapped with paper to make a bound spit wrapped with paper.
  • Finally combine an empty hand with the bound spit wrapped with paper. this makes 1 *Paper Thumb Cast.