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The old mailing list has been abanndoned, the interface became completely unaccessible. You can register on the blog and in doing so you will be signed up for the new mailing list.

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Support on Patreon to keep the lights on

If you enjoy BSG and what we bring, then could you Please consider supporting us on Patreon? The last thing I want to do is put up adds on the site, so instead there is a BSG Patreon page. even if you can only do one dollar a month it will help, I really do mean that. There are also perks for different tiers of Patreon supporters, like having your name on a bsg page.

site created by smoke. All content on this site is Copyright © 2016-2023 Black Screen Gaming

the lush and leafy forest

This map has some interesting geography which includes a raised southern section, a clear jewl blue brook, a pond, and some brush berriors, along with something else...

the southern section of the map

this includes everything south of the river. roughly in the middle of this section is a clear jewl blue brook. this is spring and drinkable. it flows north from a crack in an unclimable cliff to the river. near to the river there are stepps you can walk or climb down.

the river

the river flows in a straight line from west to east. it comes from the thin grassy forest, straight through the lush and leafy forest, and into the rocky rugged landscape.

The northern section of the map

This part has some brush berriors you have to find the way through. there is also a small crystal clear pond in the north east of the map. this pond is not directly drinkable though, as it is not a spring tile.

Something Else

Figure it out on your own.

landmarks of the lush and leafy forest
The river
it flows from the thin grassy forest straigh across the map into the rocky rugged landscape in the northern half of the map.
a clear jewl blue brook
This is in the southern half of the map, it is trackable as spring, but only if you are already on the raised section of the southern section of the map.
a crystal clear pond
this is in the north west, and is trackable as clay or water, it is also divable
something else
figure it out yourself

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The mailing list

The old mailing list has been abanndoned, the interface became completely unaccessible. You can register on the blog and in doing so you will be signed up for the new mailing list.

Visit the registration page for the BSG Blog

Support on Patreon to keep the lights on

If you enjoy BSG and what we bring, then could you Please consider supporting us on Patreon? The last thing I want to do is put up adds on the site, so instead there is a BSG Patreon page. even if you can only do one dollar a month it will help, I really do mean that. There are also perks for different tiers of Patreon supporters, like having your name on a bsg page.

site created by smoke. All content on this site is Copyright © 2016-2023 Black Screen Gaming