This page is brought to you by Hamada(@HamadaTrichine), for all he does to keep the server running.
Are you ROCK HARD Down Low? Are words just way too damn hard? Do you have a lot of Fugazi Pride? Do you want to let everyone know you are a naked twister world champion? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the place for you.
All links will lead to Tee Spring which handles the printing and shipping of all orders. They ship to a lot of global locations including the USA, Canada, EU, and Australia. Shipping runs about $3-$4 for an item.
Each shirt is on its own heading level five with links and info about it under the heading.
Words are hard, and you can now have a shirt to prove it! The shirt that everyone has been saying needs to be made has now been made! Each word is on it's own line with "and" vertically sandwiched between "words" and "hard". It looks like someone really struggled to write out these three words, and perfectly conveys exactly how hard words actually are.
Men's classic deep red ($15.00)
Men's classic deep forest ($15.00)
Men's classic smoke grey ($15.00)
Words are hard, and you can now have a shirt to prove it! The shirt that everyone has been saying needs to be made has now been made! Each word is on it's own line with "and" vertically sandwiched between "words" and "hard". It looks like someone really struggled to write out these three words, and perfectly conveys exactly how hard words actually are.
women's classic black ($15.00)
women's classic purple ($15.00)
Women's classic heliconia/pink ($15.00))
Women's classic Irish Green ($15.00)
Women's classic royal ($15.00)
Words are hard, and you can now have a shirt to prove it! The shirt that everyone has been saying needs to be made has now been made! Each word is on it's own line with "and" vertically sandwiched between "words" and "hard". It looks like someone really struggled to write out these three words, and perfectly conveys exactly how hard words actually are.
men's comfort deep royal ($17.00)
men's comfort new navy ($17.00)
men's comfort deep orange ($17.00)
Words are hard, and you can now have a shirt to prove it\!
women's comfort black ($17.00)
women's comfort purple ($17.00)
women's comfort deep orange ($17.00)
women's comfort true pink ($17.00)
women's comfort new navy ($17.00)
Words are hard, and you can now have a shirt to prove it! The shirt that everyone has been saying needs to be made has now been made! Each word is on it's own line with "and" vertically sandwiched between "words" and "hard". It looks like someone really struggled to write out these three words, and perfectly conveys exactly how hard words actually are.
men's premium midnight navy ($18.00)
men's premium cool blue ($18.00)
men's premium kelly green ($18.00)
Words are hard, and you can now have a shirt to prove it! The shirt that everyone has been saying needs to be made has now been made! Each word is on it's own line with "and" vertically sandwiched between "words" and "hard". It looks like someone really struggled to write out these three words, and perfectly conveys exactly how hard words actually are.
Women's premium V-neck black ($18.00)
Women's premium V-neck purple ($18.00)
Women's premium V-neck berry/pink ($18.00)
Women's premium V-neck true navy ($18.00)
Women's premium V-neck red ($18.00)
Words are hard, and you can now have a shirt to prove it! The shirt that everyone has been saying needs to be made has now been made! Each word is on it's own line with "and" vertically sandwiched between "words" and "hard". It looks like someone really struggled to write out these three words, and perfectly conveys exactly how hard words actually are.
Men's TriBlend vintage black ($19.00)
men's TriBlend vintage navy ($19.00)
men's TriBlend Premium Heather ($19.00)
Words are hard, and you can now have a shirt to prove it! The shirt that everyone has been saying needs to be made has now been made! Each word is on it's own line with "and" vertically sandwiched between "words" and "hard". It looks like someone really struggled to write out these three words, and perfectly conveys exactly how hard words actually are.
women's TriBlend vintage black ($19.00)
It has become the much used BSG tag, and now you can have a shirt to shout it to the world\! This is a black shirt with white rounded blocky letters. The letters are outlined in vintage white, the inside of the letters are left blank. In all Caps it says ROCK HARD then below it in normal case it says Down Low. There is no BSG branding, just a fun shirt.
Rock Hard Down Low men's classic black ($11.99)
It has become the much used BSG tag, and now you can have a shirt to shout it to the world\! This is a black shirt with white rounded blocky letters. The letters are outlined in vintage white, the inside of the letters are left blank. In all Caps it says ROCK HARD then below it in normal case it says Down Low. There is no BSG branding, just a fun shirt.
Rock hard down low women's classic black ($12.99)
It has become the much used BSG tag, and now you can have a shirt to shout it to the world\! This is a black shirt with white rounded blocky letters. The letters are outlined in vintage white, the inside of the letters are left blank. In all Caps it says ROCK HARD then below it in normal case it says Down Low. There is no BSG branding, just a fun shirt.
Rock hard down low men's comfort black ($14.50)
It has become the much used BSG tag, and now you can have a shirt to shout it to the world\! This is a black shirt with white rounded blocky letters. The letters are outlined in vintage white, the inside of the letters are left blank. In all Caps it says ROCK HARD then below it in normal case it says Down Low. There is no BSG branding, just a fun shirt.
Rock hard down low women's comfort ($14.50)
It has become the much used BSG tag, and now you can have a shirt to shout it to the world\! This is a black shirt with white rounded blocky letters. The letters are outlined in vintage white, the inside of the letters are left blank. In all Caps it says ROCK HARD then below it in normal case it says Down Low. There is no BSG branding, just a fun shirt.
Rock hard down low men's comfort black ($16.00)
It has become the much used BSG tag, and now you can have a shirt to shout it to the world\! This is a black shirt with white rounded blocky letters. The letters are outlined in vintage white, the inside of the letters are left blank. In all Caps it says ROCK HARD then below it in normal case it says Down Low. There is no BSG branding, just a fun shirt.
Rock hard down low premium hoody black ($35.00)
The old mailing list has been abanndoned, the interface became completely unaccessible. You can register on the blog and in doing so you will be signed up for the new mailing list.
If you enjoy BSG and what we bring, then could you Please consider supporting us on Patreon? The last thing I want to do is put up adds on the site, so instead there is a BSG Patreon page. even if you can only do one dollar a month it will help, I really do mean that. There are also perks for different tiers of Patreon supporters, like having your name on a bsg page.
site created by smoke. All content on this site is Copyright © 2016-2023 Black Screen Gaming