This page is brought to you by Sam Tupy, @SamTupy1 on Twitter.
There are a few people who have helped over time to write and create content for BSG. This is a listing of those people along with some information about each of them. Under each person's name is a list of what they have helped with on the site.
He doesn't prefer long walks on the beach unless it is in rout to a fishing hole. More than anything he cannot stand stupid people, but his tolerance for them goes up with his blood alcohol content. If you wish to request a signed empty bottle of brandy or pack of cigarettes you can email him after sending $50.00 via pay pal, he is happy to fulfil all his fan's requests for autographed merchandize.
Contrary to common belief the name Smoke-J didn't come from his love for smoking. Instead it came from a popular western book series by William W. John stone. However he he does pride himself on being able to effortlessly chain vape himself into a wonderful smelling nicotine cloud. He is rarely seen sober, accept for early in the mornings. His favorite drink of choice is blackberry brandy on the rocks, or a good ol' long island.
JimmyDub can be found in any game sitting on his ass sleeping. This Phenomenon has managed to perplex the greatest minds of STW. He suffers from a severe case of being too emotional along with virtual narcolepsy, along with short term memory loss directly related to turning his PK on, and a propensity to fall from high places and die on a daily basis. He also shares similar traits with a parrot, this can be witnessed as he walks around randomly saying his own name.
Jimmy is known to drink expired beer while playing survive the wild, then laughing like a maniac while recording himself walking around picking up nuts and berries. If you see Jimmy in the game don't bother saying hello as he will be sleeping and won't be able to reply.
Though some may say it is too extensive a description, Pyro may be the only Survive The Wild rock star. He has been documented and recorded on multiple occasions singing beautiful duets with JimmyDub on an assortment of phallic topics. A self acclaimed beer connoisseur, he is rarely seen online without his favorite micro brew close to hand. His biggest accomplishments in game are being the first to witness and kill one of the legendary Bears With Grenades, and being a survivor of the Windy Wolf Forest.
through hard work and rock steady dedication he has built up a reputation of one of the worst base jumpers in STW. From a height of 100 tiles he some how manages to reach a horizontal distance of at least 23 tiles, how he manages this outstanding accomplishment is anyone's guess.
There are rumors of his first STW single being released to the general public, but when this will come we do not know. If you can't find him anywhere it's probably because he's secluded himself again so he can keep trying to figure out how to press his arrow keys in a clockwise pattern.
No one knows exactly what Hannibal is. Many bright minds have speculated he is an overdeveloped kangaroo. This theory has led the clubhouse as the most reasonable explanation for years. However recently rumors of him being a "lit af bro man dude" have surfaced. The only issue is no one over the age of 18 seems to know what the hell this is. The one thing everyone can agree on when it comes to Hannibal is he's probably somewhere drunk.
He is a man of many talents, One of these is a knack for custom keyboard carvings, anyone who is interested in receiving one of his pieces of art should get a hold of him. His prices are very reasonable. His interests include odd music, Harry Potter, and toaster porn. If you see Hannibal around make sure you never ask him to tell you a joke. You'll be lucky to survive the experience.
I'm too nice to write something funny aboot her...but she's Canadian, so you can make up your own mind.
The old mailing list has been abanndoned, the interface became completely unaccessible. You can register on the blog and in doing so you will be signed up for the new mailing list.
If you enjoy BSG and what we bring, then could you Please consider supporting us on Patreon? The last thing I want to do is put up adds on the site, so instead there is a BSG Patreon page. even if you can only do one dollar a month it will help, I really do mean that. There are also perks for different tiers of Patreon supporters, like having your name on a bsg page.
site created by smoke. All content on this site is Copyright © 2016-2023 Black Screen Gaming