Crazy Party Battles Home

Here you will find some links which lead to useful information relating to different aspects of the battle mode in Crazy party. You can simply jump by heading to get to the different sections. Under each heading is a short paragraph explaining what is in that section.

Strengths & Weaknesses Listing

This is very simple, this shows every battle type in the game along with 4 stats for each one. offensive strenghts, offensive weaknesses, defensive strenghts, and defensive weaknesses. 98% of types in the game have another type which is super effective against it, or very weak against it. This page shows all this information at once to help you better make your decks.

go to the strengths and weaknesses page

Complete Card Listing By Type

This is fairly self-explanitory. This is simply a listing of every card in the game which you can unlock. There are allot of them, and because of that they are seperated into what type they belong to. The information on this page is the same information you would get in the game, only in a easier to navigate and read format. If you only want to view the cards for one type at a time then the next option is best.

Go to the card listing.

Profiles Of The Different Types

Here you will find links for each type in the game. Each of the links will bring you to a write up on that specific type. This will include what their specific strenghts and weaknesses are, and what cards you can use for that type. There will also be text explaining the positives and drawbacks to the particular type. For example some are very defensive oriented, others are heavy in offense, some are fast starting, and others take time to get going.

Go to the profiles page.>