Here you will find some information about the Water Type. First a short description of the type. Second is a listing of what types it is strong and weak against. After that there is a listing of all the Water cards you can unlock and use as the Water type.

Description For Water

The water type is a very solid and reliable type. It has nice attacks, and good defensive match ups with others. It is only weak against the attacks of 2 types, and has 3 types which it is very effective against. It has a very strong mid level attack which allows for quick damage to be dealt whether it is a primary or secondary type in your deck. Overall it is a good reliable and non risky type to go with, but not the most overpowering type.

Strengths & Weaknesses

This is broken down into four categories.

Very Effective Attack:

Not Effective Attack:

Very Effective Defense:

Not Effective defense:

*** *** ***

Cards Of The Water Type


requires the launcher to be water type, 100 % success
The launcher's type level is modified by 1
has a passive effect in the hand (+1 power on water launched attacks, )
(water, type, passive effect)


100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance to put 1 card explosion into their exile
the target puts 1 cards explosion below their deck.
(water, manipulation, offensive)

water bomb:

3 physical power, 90 % success
(water, physical, offensive)

elixir of energy:

has a level 1 critical failiure, 100 % success
adds 8 health points to the launcher
(water, elixir)

acrobatic surfing:

works as a parry against a surge card
12 physical power, 90 % success
(water, parry, critical risk, physical, offensive)

melting ice:

works following the launcher's freezing status, 100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in confusion, for up to 2 turns
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card water from their deck
(water, status, manipulation)

oxidative reaction:

works as a reaction against a steel card, 100 % success
The target gets 1 rust cards in their hand
(water, reaction, offensive)

water symbol

100 % success
The launcher gets 2 water symbol cards in their hand
has a passive effect in the hand
(+1 power on major symbol launched attacks, +2 power on major symbol received attacks)
(water, minor symbol, passive effect)

water barrier:

Level 1
works as a parry against a fire card, 100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance to put 4 card fire into their exile
the target puts 4 cards fire below their deck.
(water, parry, barrier, manipulation, offensive)


Level 1
100 % success
adds 5 health points to the launcher
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in burning, for up to 8 turns
(water, status)

purifying water:

Level 1
100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in burning, -1 in poison, for up to 8 turns
the launcher has a 100 % chance to put 2 card bleeding into their exile
(water, status, manipulation)


Level 1
3 magical power, 100 % success
the target has a 20 % chance of becoming -1 in success for up to 4 turns
(water, magical, offensive)

purging elixir:

Level 1
works following the number of elixir of poison cards in the launcher's hand, 100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to put 1 card elixir of poison into their exile
The launcher gets 1 elixir of energy cards in their hand
(water, manipulation)

sea salt:

Level 1
follows the number of bleeding cards in the target's hand
2 physical power, 100 % success
(water, powder, physical, offensive)

water mirror:

Level 1
works as a parry against a ray card
8 magical power, 100 % success
(water, mirror, ray, parry, magical, offensive)

dolphin's song:

Level 1
2 magical power, 100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card water in the target's deck
(water, sound, magical, offensive, manipulation)

ice heal:

Level 2
100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in freezing, for up to 8 turns
(water, status)

bubble beam:

Level 3
5 magical power, 100 % success
the target has a 10 % chance of becoming -1 in success for up to 2 turns
(water, magical, offensive)

water pulse:

Level 4
6 magical power, 100 % success
the target has a 20 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 1 turns
(water, undulation, magical, offensive)

tuna's pulse:

Level 5
15 physical power, 80 % success
the launcher suffers 30 % of the damages caused to the target
(water, tackle, contact, physical, offensive)


Level 5
100 % success
Changes the environment to rain
(+3 power on water launched attacks, +2 power on electric launched attacks, +1 power on grass launched attacks, -3 power on fire launched attacks)
(water, environment)


Level 6
5 magical power, 100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance to put 1 card ice into their exile
(water, magical, offensive, manipulation)

coral axe:

Level 6
6 physical power, has a level 2 critical hit, 100 % success
the launcher has a 10 % chance of becoming +1 in special defense, for up to 4 turns
(water, weapon, axe, physical, offensive)


Level 6
100 % success
The launcher takes the kraken posture
(+4 power on physical launched attacks, +2 power on tentacle launched attacks, -8 power on magical launched attacks, +6 power on magical received attacks, +2 power on undulation received attacks)
(water, posture)

electric eel:

Level 6
100 % success
 The launcher takes the "electric eel" posture
+3 power on "electric" launched attacks, +1 power on "water" launched attacks, +1 power on "magical" launched attacks, -6 power on "physical" launched attacks, +3 power on "ground" received attacks, -3 power on "electric" received attacks),
(water, posture)


Level 8
100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance of becoming +2 in critical failure, for up to 4 turns
(water, stat, offensive)

whale's song:

Level 8
5 magical power, 100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 2 card water in the target's deck
(water, sound, magical, offensive, manipulation)


Level 9
works following the launcher's burning status
7 magical power, 100 % success
the target has a 80 % chance of becoming +1 in burning, for up to 2 turns
(water, magical, offensive)

erosion of the floors:

Level 9
90 % success
the target has a 100 % chance to put 4 card ground into their exile
(water, manipulation, offensive)

tentacle harassment:

Level 10
1 physical power, can hit up to 8 times, 100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance to put 2 card passive effect into their discard pile
(water, contact, tentacle, physical, offensive, multi-hit, manipulation)

sonar ray:

Level 12
10 magical power, never fails
the target has a 30 % chance of becoming +2 in confusion, for up to 1 turns
the target shows 4 cards from their hand
(water, ray, sound, magical, offensive, unmissable)

fang of shark:

Level 12
12 physical power, has a level 1 critical hit, 100 % success
the target has a 50 % chance of becoming +1 in fear, for up to 1 turns
(water, mouth, fang, contact, physical, offensive)

wicked wave:

Level 14
15 magical power, 100 % success
(water, surge, magical, offensive)

aquatic migration:

Level 15
works following the number of water cards in the launcher's hand, 100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card water from their deck, put 1 card water into their discard pile
(water, manipulation)

tentacle choke:

Level 16
8 physical power, 100 % success
The target can't draw during 1 turns
(water, contact, tentacle, physical, offensive, prohibition)

water memory:

Level 24
works following the number of water cards in the launcher's hand, 100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card water from their discard pile, take 1 card water from their exile
(water, manipulation)

fang of megalodon:

Level 28
20 physical power, has a level 1 critical hit, 100 % success
the target has a 50 % chance of becoming +2 in fear, for up to 1 turns
(water, mouth, fang, contact, ancient, physical, offensive)