The Ice Description

Get ready for a world of slipping and sliding with lots of snow and ice.


Number of mini games:  20
Paths:  3
Endings:  1
Bonus Mini games:  2


3 paths exist in this game, However all 3 all split and rejoin a single path to reach the 1 ending.

After the game a pieceful descent you will reach a point you can travel east or west. If you go west to the polar beach and play through two  penguin mini games, you will rejoin path two at the stalactites cave.

Path 2:
If you go east after the pieceful descent game you will find making a giant snowball. After playing  this game go north at the second split and play through several games before also reaching the stalactites cave and rejoinning path 1.
Both these paths rejoin path 3 at the game snow flowers path and you can head on to the ending from there.

Path 3: 
After making a giant snow ball go south and play transport the penguin. Follow this path to  the game snow flowers path where path two also ends and keep playing through to the ending.

bonuses mini games:

2 bonus mini games are found in this world.
Get 20 points on snow flowers path and you will open a path to the north which has the bonus game bonuses on the ice.
Get 20  points on polar bairs hunting and you will unlock a path to the south which has the game treasure under the ice.


Only 1 ending is in this world and it unlocks the darkness.

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